Wednesday, December 6, 2006

Picture This - Episode 7

Hey fuzz, guess me a sonogrammy thingy, well what ever....a black n white, out of focus pic of my little baby, day before yesterday. Tiny little sucker, barely and inch he/she is (Gonna be seven weeks on Friday).

We all heard the saying "A picture is worth a thousand words", well I beg to differ in this instance, I would say this picture left me at a loss for words. Really people, these moments make you feel somethings you don't know how to describe.

Ill post the pics sometime today or tomoro, ok fuzz man. Oh and yeah, I want to say hi from you to the baby, but dhaya is so ticklish, she wont let me talk to the baby.

O yah, and koks chose a name for the baby. She sayz she'll call him/her Saththaaru. Go figure.


hamzah said...

Oi email me the pics already ya douchebag. I'm thinking of a devious plan where I'll change my name here in the UK and unless you can guess it I get to keep your baby. I bet its never been thought of before.

Princess nyssa said...

hehehehhehhehheheh (split from the sides)....i know what it is...Hashim